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newsletter published by
(est. 1960)
A Great 20th-Century Invention for Children
Warren Buffett's partner, Charlie Munger, once said, "I think I've been in the
top 5% of my age cohort all my life in understanding
the power of incentives, and all my life
I've underestimated it. And never a year
passes but I get some surprise that pushes
my limit a little farther."
There were many inventions in the past century
that have profoundly changed our lives --
the telephone, automobile, Internet, and
DVD, to name a few. But in a not-so-small
way, one invention for children that has
created a profound understanding of child
behavior and learning but has been overlooked
is the token-economy/point system.
The system is used primarily to increase
and maintain incentive to learn and behave.
Experience over the years has shown me time
and time again how miracles can happen to
a child under a point system, be his diagnosis
autism, dyslexia, auditory processing problem,
ADD, ADHD, oppositional disorder, or emotionally disturbed.
But also how the same miracle can disappear
when the point system is dropped or changed.
The behavior, the learning, and the mood,
could be day and night with or without a
point system.
Like many inventions, the theory behind the
point system, once explained, is surprisingly
simple, although its application could be
infinitely individualized and complex. It
is partly based on the economic principle
of creating and balancing earnings and spendings,
and partly on the capitalistic principle
of tying productivity to privilege.
Properly designed, a point system fosters
independent learning, stamina and compliance.
The child also learns important facts of
life -- that things don't come for free,
that we must plan ahead rather than live
by the moment, and that we must be responsible
to or own actions -- facts that we adults
should all have learned.
Indeed, motivation is half the battle in
child treatment. A properly designed point
system is a great motivational device.
More Electronics in Bedroom, Less Sleep for
A study shows that boys 8-17 years old sleep less
when there is television, computer, or videogame
in their bedroom. With a TV in the bedroom,
they slept an average of 8.3 hours a night
compared with 9 hours for boys who did not
have one. Boys with an in-room video game
system slept 8.3 hours vs. 8.8 hours for
those without. A computer in the bedroom
disrupted sleep the most: the hours dropped
to 7.9 compared with 8.7 for those who did
not have one in the bedroom.
How a drug company's share goes up riding
on the ADHD train
Many studies conducted or supported by drug
companies are done sloppily with the goal
of proving the drug's effectiveness. Often
times stock investors bid up the share price
after reading the headline proclaiming the
effect. Few bother to read the actual experiment
and data.
A headline from Medscape Today reads "Extended-release Metadoxine safe and
effective for ADHD". TEVA pharmaceuticals
and Alcobra Ltd did the study that purportedly
showed the drug "improved ADHD symptoms
scores compared with placebo." On the
same day of 9/7/11, Teva's stock rose 2.5%.
Bloomberg financials's Belinda Cao wrote "The success in Teva's new drug study
is 'obviously a positive' according to Judson
Clark", a stock analyst at Edward Jones
& Co. in Missouri. So the study garnered
the accolades of "success" and
"positive", as though the drug
is now a shoe-in.
But not so obvious yet. I tried to find a
detailed report of the study on Teva's website
but could only get a brief summary. From
what could be fathomed, they used at least
7 assessment instruments and only one, the
Investigator-rated CAARS-INV produced significant
results, with secondary effects observed
in another rating scale and insturment-measured
brain waves of TOVA. We know ratings are
notoriously subjective, but there was no
description on whether the people who rated
a patient's ADHD symtoms knew the patient
was on the drug or not. Such knowledge would
significantly affect the subjective ratings.
The TOVA and the Conner assessment for ADHD
by the way are controversial and their correspondence
to actual ADHD behaviors and to people who
are not ADHD make them not a reliable instrument.
Somebody has made some money on that day!s
In a large-scale review of 4120 citations
and 183 articles representing 153 studies
on treatment effectiveness of autistic children
the authors (Warren et al, 2011)concluded
that drugs have virtually no effects other
than muting 'challengin behaviors' (noncompliance,
hyperactivity, self-abuse).
Risperidone and aripiprazole seem to be the
only kinds that produced the effects based
on parent-reports (not actual observation
and frequency counts).
Yet the positives are far outweighed by the
negatives. The authors concluded "Both
medications also cause significant side effects,
however, including marked weight gain, sedation,
and risk of extrapyramidal symptoms (side
effects, including muscle stiffness or tremor,
that occur in individuals taking antipsychotic
medications). These side effects limit use
of these drugs to patients with severe impairment
or risk of injury."
As to other types of therapies, "Evidence
is insufficient at this time to support the
use of sensory or auditory integration, insufficient
for speech and language interventions, and
insufficient for CAM approaches." (CAM=alternative
What about ABA (applied behavior analysis)
and the UCLA/Lovaas msdel? Their review is
inconclusive - promising on some, disappointing
on most.
There is little research on what happen when
the children are 'mainstreamed', if the improvement
will sustain or continue in a more normal
In fact, the sparsity of long-term follow-up
likely indicates no long-term effects of
these treatments. This is not surprising
when one considers the paradigm in which
these behaviroal programs have been conducted
- labor intensive, training intensive, and
situation specific (university research clinic,
insitutions, etc.). Such paradigm is not
practicable and if it is, cannot be sustained
overtime. Many parents and teachers burn
out after a while of trying these behavioral
Is it possible to 'un-diagnose' ADD or ADHD,
after a child has been so labeled? The answer
is a qualified "yes". Qualified
in the sense that certain conditions must
be met.
First, the ADD or ADHD is not supplemented
by secondary factors such as behavior/emotional
problems, non-compliance, severe learning
disabilities, inappropriate schooling, or
dysfunctional families.
Second, the guardians and treating parties
must accept the idea that ADD is a skill
deficiency and is not subject to quick cure,
but can be effectively treated only after
careful planning and persistent training
and follow-up. Thus, the family does not
give up if immediate results do not occur.
The third condition is the ability by the
child's family to follow prescribed procedures
and be united in their way of dealing with
the problem. This is often the toughest prerequisite,
especially for single parents or for those
who might themselves suffer from ADD.
Below I will describe a clinical case for
an 11 year-old boy who was diagnosed to be
ADD when he was a 9-year-old 4th grader by
both the school psychologist and a pediatrician.
The presenting problems were poor concentration
at school, leading to D's in language arts
and F's in math and spelling/writing. The
teacher described Jimmy (not his real name)
as "slow to follow instructions",
"often spaces out, fiddle with things
or loses things."
His mother stressed that Jimmy required a
"fantastic amount of time every night
to do his home work." Mom literally
has to sit with him nightly, while he makes
frequent trips to the bathroom and complains
about being tired. The homework process at
times drags on till mid-night, when both
are exhausted and some of the homework had
to be missed. Needless to say, much frustration
and anger occur nightly.
Jimmy had an IEP that provided 60 minutes
of speech therapy.
The treatment goals in this case were determined
to be
a. independent task completion both at home
and at school, and
b. improved school grades.
Jimmy was first evaluated for academic skills
(reading fluency, spelling and vocabulary
on par, comprehension and math both about
½ a year behind grade level) and for potential
learning disabilities (none except Processing
Speed at two Standard Deviations and Picture
Arrangement at one Standard Deviation below
the norm) to rule out the need for intensive
educational therapy.
Next, the school curriculum, class work,
homework and quizzes were analyzed to make
sure they were appropriate for him. I did
a detailed analysis of Jimmy's life style,
energy level, behavioral and psychological
adjustment in class and at home, and his
interest and motivation to learn academic
Treatment consisted of weekly sessions averaging
two hours each time: Jimmy's study environment
restructured according to the home's dynamics;
a daily performance feedback system created
based on the school's academic demands and
his learning style; and a 'tight' motivational
system developed. In each session, Jimmy
was trained on processing speed and focusing
and study skills. An integral part of the
treatment was parent training using written
procedures and weekly feedback. His mother
was diligent in adhering to the treatment
procedure. Another treatment facet involved
telephone and written communications with
the teacher regarding task assignments and
grading criteria.
Treatment started two years ago. By the end
of the second school year, Jimmy was completing
his class work consistently and no longer
missed any homework. The amount of time Mom
needed to supervise him to do homework dwindled
to less than 30 minutes a day. And last but
not least, Jimmy averaged a B, with no D
and F grades. The parents petitioned to pull
him out of special education program and
remove the label of ADD.
So it is possible to 'cure' ADD, by instilling
the right skills and 're-engineering' the
subject's milieu, and finally dismantling
the label. But I must emphasize that, similar
to many medical treatment paradigms, long-term
maintenance and 'booster' sessions are required
for continuous success.
The latest rankings of universities by US
News and World Report show that the best
California university is still Stanford at
Palo Alto; Pomona College ranks 5th best
liberal college in the nation. Harvard and
Princeton are still the top universities
There are signs that among the most prestigious
universities, the admission rates (the percent
of applicants accepted) are dropping. From
2000 to 2003, Harvard went from 11% to 10%,
likewise, Princeton dropped from 12% to 10%,
UC Berkeley and UCLA declined from to 24%
from 26% and 29% respectively.
UC Berkeley is the #1 public university in
the nation and UCLA is #24.
The bad news is starting next year, the whole
UC system is raising the minimum GPA requirement
from 3.0 to 3.25, in response to the trend
that high school graduates' GPA is getting
higher and thus more of them qualify for
admission. The GPA's have been getting higher
because more students are taking Honors and
AP classes, which give one more point for
each grade but F. This, however, will make
little difference for Berkeley or LA's admissions,
as their freshmen's GPA's surpass 3.25 anyway.
But for the other UC's, those that used to
accept students with 3.0 GPA will require
a GPA of 3.25.
This is a double-edged sword: the quality
of high schools students is getting better,
and the universities raise the admission
bar to maintain the same number of freshmen.
-- The application essay for college admission
often counts for 20% in admission decisions
by colleges?
-- According to the National Insti-tutes
of Health, children who are behind in reading
skills by 3rd grade have only a 12 to 20%
chance of catching up? Read: early intervention
is crucial.
-- Even 40 years ago, back in 1964, the sociologist
James Coleman found that school facilities
like libraries and laboratories had virtually
no relationship with student achievement,
that is, some poorly equipped rural schools
can produce high achievement while other
physically sound schools did not?
(Coleman went on to conclude that schools
can't be expected to cure poverty and low
achievement - "The inequalities imposed
on children by their home, neighborhood and
peer environment are carried along to become
the inequalities with which they confront
adult life at the end of school.")
Incidences of children diagnosed with autism
have increased exponentially, as described
in our last summer's It's Academic ("In
California alone, the incidents have increased
more than six fold in the last 15 years.")
When I first became State Director of Autistic
Programs for Delaware in 1982, there were
21 children in the Programs. By the time
I left in 1987, the population jumped to
40. Now I was told the Programs have more
than 200 children!
Speculations on why we have more autistic
children abound, from environmental pollution
to chemical abundance to genetic mutations,
better diagnostic techniques to better funding.
The latter no doubt has contributed to the
willingness of clinicians and educators to
prescribe more autism diagnosis. Indeed,
the Federal Government has been spending
many more dollars on autistic programs. Last
year, the National Institutes of Health spent
about $81.3 million on autism research, versus
$9.6 million in1993.
Yet autism, the most severe form of childhood
affliction, remains a mystery. The exact
cause is unknown, and treatment progress
remains at best inconsistent, subject to
a whole host of factors.
What is certain is autism is a congenital/genetic
disease that affects normal brain development
in processing multiple stimuli in the environment.
Thus, it is not only language that an autistic
child has problems acquiring, but also social
interaction, human affects, and play activities
or tasks involving multiple logical steps.
The preference for repetitive movements or
'aloneness' are manifestations of the difficulty
to process more complex information.
Exactly which part of the brain is afflicted
is not known, but no doubt multiple genes
and/or sites are involved. Hence, a physical
or medical cure is not possible, at least
in the near future. Behavioral treatment
remains the best available. Even with that,
a highly skilled, logical and analytical
therapist, coupled with dedicated, cooperative
and resourceful parents and schools are prerequisites
for long- term, permanent gains. Indeed,
about 12% can achieve total recovery under
proper care.
Children and adults suffering from autism
need a lot of help in order to learn. I don't
mean helping them to do things or get around.
I mean they need us to define the behavior
to be learned clearly and analyze the learning
situation carefully for them, and present
it in a systematic fashion to them. Systematic
means consistent, repetitive, and criterion-based.
A discrete-trial training format is an essential
ingredient in helping autistic people learn.
I came to this realization while developing
the first autistic program for the Metro
Toronto School Board in 1971, 34 years ago.
The basic premises is like this: training
is always expressed in terms of numbers of
trials. A trial is prefaced by a clear definition
of the stimulus condition, which may involve
the therapist's instruction, the materials
presented and the training setting, and by
a clear definition of the mastery skill which
may be a verbal answer or a physical behavior
to be emitted by the patient. The amount
of training is measured by the number of
trials over a specific time (the session
time), and learning is defined by number
of correct (acceptable) trials over total
Without the discrete trials, learning is
often hit-and-miss and reduced to a general
gussing game or subject to wishful-thinking.
And more importantly, treatment effectiveness
cannot be ascertained.
I have always maintained that whereas many
regular children require only coaching or
even merely observation to learn new things,
making autistic children learn represents
a test of the therapist/trainer's analytical
skills and thus true teaching.
"The world won't care about your self-esteem.
The world will expect you to accomplish something
before you feel good about yourself."
- Charles Sykes on how children are growing
up with excuses. (From his book Dumbing Down Our Kids.)
The students that excel in college, and eventually
career, differ from others in one major aspect:
they are curious about the world, events
and people. In addition to good college and
career, intellectual curiosity also helps
to expand a child's interests and reduce
However, unless a child loves the History
or Discovery channels, or unless he/she is
an avid reader of good magazines or newspapers,
fostering intellectual curiosity in the TV/electronic/sportsman
age is an uphill battle. Kids nowadays do
not want to ponder or 'intellectualize' about
anything but prefer impulsive actions and
fast results, thereby fostering symptoms
of ADD/ADHD instead.
A child with limited interests is a child
more susceptible to depression and harder
to motivate to achieve.
So what is there to do to combat these patches
of intellectual wasteland? Some of the answers
are surprisingly simple:.
1. Make use of 'trapped situations. Too busy
to set aside a talk session or outing? No
problem. Not having time to play with your
kids is not as serious as you thought. (Remember
the poor immigrant parents who worked day
and night but their kids still excelled?)
There are always routines in the course of
the day when you have to be with them, like
driving to and from school, taking him/her
to the mall, grocery shopping. Of course,
I have worked with parents that are so busy
or that their kids have so successfully avoided
them that they can only 'pass by' each other
at home. Then it is tough going for intellectual
curiosity and sharing of ideas!
2. Eat together - no buffet, self-help meals,
and ideally, no TV dinner. My motto: the
family that eats together stay together.
Depending on your cooking, dinnertime is
likely a pleasant and relaxing affair. Conversations
associated with this time have a better chance
of being heard and attended to.
3. Do household chores together. Have your
kids cook and/or wash the dishes with you,
mow the lawn or wash the cars together. The
latter, asides from being good physical exercises,
also give children a sense of belonging and
responsibility to their home.
Plenty of conversations about current events,
friends, movies seen, literature read, finances,
etc. can occur during these times (in addition
to "How was your day at school?").
From there, children might gradually foster
a curiosity about the world, history, arts
and most important, people, and might even
develop an interest to read about things
extra to their teachers' assigned readings!
There are finally worrisome realizations
that, in addition to producing little long-term
benefits, the drugs used to treat ADD and
ADHD can have dangerous heart risks for children
and adults. In February of 2006, an FDA advisory
panel looked at the existing studies and
data and listened to the FDA’s own medical
officers’ presentations that contained dire
warnings. And instead of recommending further
research, the panel feels the risks are so
great that it immediately recommends the
strongest warning label (the ‘black box’)
be used for Ritalin, Dexedrine, Adderall,
Concerta and other drugs in the same class.
The risks are serious: these drugs can increase
blood pressures that could lead to strokes,
heart attacks. Canada recently banned Concerta
after 24 deaths were reported. The FDA’s
own reviews showed 25 sudden deaths, mostly
children. (Keep in mind that FDA receives
only a fraction of reported problems annually.)
According to the FDA’s own Medical Officers,
these drugs can elevate blood pressures,
and high blood pressure has been clearly
proven to be linked directly to deaths from
heart problems. Furthermore, these stimulants
have similar chemical structures to ephedrine,
which is known to increase heart risk.
Thus, the drugs are not only expensive, ineffective,
but also dangerous. As discussed elsewhere
in this website, a skill-deficiency, behavioral
approach still remains the best and safest
School used to start at 8:30 a.m. for me
in elementary school, and 9 a.m. for high
school. So when I first came to this country,
I was shocked to see kids go to school at
8 a.m. I thought it was un-Godly hour, especially
in the dead of winter.
Then school began to start even earlier.
It is now not uncommon for high schools to
start at 7 a.m., and saying "Good night"
means 2:45 p.m. Many teachers have grown
to like the idea that they have practically
half the afternoon and evening off. Pities
are the parents and the students who have
to get up before 6 a.m. to prepare for school.
This also means that for all practical purpose,
activities stop at 9 p.m.
This means that after-school sports, band
practice, music lessons, Internet surfing,
e-mail chatting and TV, as well as homework
and studying for tests have all to be done
before 9 p.m.
On the other hand, for reasons still unknown,
the biological clock on sleep pattern of
teenagers is pushed back to become more of
the adults', that is, they like to stay later
than 9:30 p.m. and get up later than 6 a.m.
The result - they fight to stay up at night
but wake up drowsy and go to school with
sleep fatigue.
More of us are realizing that early school
day is a significant factor for chronic fatique
for many students (and their family). Some
parents and health association have started
to rebel. The Minnesota Medical Association
warned school districts that early start
is incompatible to students' body clock and
bad for their health. In 1996, Minneapolis
postponed their school start time from 7:15
to 8:40 a.m.
According to the National Sleep Foundation,
school districts in 13 states rolled back
their start time. One hopes this trend will
- Prescription of psychotropic drugs (Ritalin,
Dexadrene, Prozac, etc.) for children increased
100% in the 10 years from 1987 to 1996?
Also, twice as many boys as girls are given
To combat side effects such as insomnia or
loss of appetite, many children are also
given secondary drugs like Remorin or Clonidine.
As a result, sales of these
drugs also augmented tremendously.
- Elite private schools send most of their
students to elite private universities?
Of the 100 U.S. high schools sending the
highest percentage of students to Harvard,
Yale and Princeton, 94 of them are private
schools -- with tuition ranging from
$7,800 to $29,650 a year, according to a
study by Worth magazine.
- The teenage sexual revolution might be
losing steam?
According to the Centers for Disea-se Control
and Prevention, last year saw the first time
that the number of high school students who
say they are virgins (54%) is more than those
claimed to be non-virgins (46%).
Also, the percentage of students who used
condoms has increased from 46.2 to 57.9 over
a 10-year period. And last but not least,
most sexual activities (70%) occurred in
the teenagers' home after 6 p.m., contrary
to the back-seat-of-the-car or drive-in myth!
For the students who are going to or are
majoring in science, a good career is almost
a sure thing. The 21st century is revving
up techno-logies and demand for good scien-tists
in the U.S. and the world will jump - from
Internet Information to bio/medical research
to environ-mental controls.
On the other hand, the number of students
studying science in the past 20 years has
been decreasing. Up till five years ago,
the shortfall has been largely filled by
foreign Ph.D.'s and scientists. But lately,
as global competition for scientists heats
up, more and more foreign science Ph.D.'s
have decided to go back to their country
or else-where after finishing their study.
Countries such as Ireland, China, Brazil
and England are luring scientists internationally.
Opportunities for science careers will accelerate.
According to the National Science Foundation,
jobs requiring scientific skills increased
by 5% each year. But at the same time, many
scientists trained dur-ing the baby boomer
generation are retiring in the next 20 years,
and many foreign trained scientists are being
lured back home owing to concerns of terrorism
and benefits enticement. As a result, acute
shortages of sci-entists in our country are
going to be inevitable. Thus, the next generation's
science graduates can practically write their
own jobs.
QUOTE OF THE SEASON (On Children's Reading Habit)
"Today, 13 and 17 year olds are much
less likely to read for fun than they were
in the early 80's. Also they are much less
likely to see their parents reading in the
home than they were in the 70's and 80's
and further, they are much more likely to
be watching 3 or more hours of television
a day." -- Wayne Camara, vice president of research
and development, the College Board.
Derek has been on the school foot-ball team
since 9th grade. He prac-tices on Mondays
and Wednesdays till 6 p.m. On Saturday mornings,
he is driven to either more football prac-tice
or the real game. Derek also works at Dairy
Queen’s one week-day evening and on Sunday
So whenever I call to schedule an appointment
to see him and his mom, I get "I’ll
let Derek call to let you know which day
and time he can make it." - a sure sign
of a pro-grammed teenager’s schedule so hectic
and fast-paced that his parents can’t keep
Suzie belongs to the school marching band.
She practices two days a week after school,
and also performs on weekends. On Monday
evenings and Friday afternoons she takes
Karate. Recently, she convinced her mother
to let her take guitar lessons. The only
time slot they could find was Sunday afternoons.
And Mom obliged.
This spring, the band took a field trip to
Silicon Valley for three days, and Mom went
with along. The trip cost $450, on top of
the cost for new uniforms.
Suzie’s mom is her official chauffeur, logging
in 160 miles a week, more with the occasional
doctor’s or dental appointments . Her duties
are occa-sionally relieved when another parent
can drive Suzie to the event. And Suzie has
an eight-year-old brother who is quickly
following his sister‘s footsteps to participate
in different after-school program.
We love our children and want the best for
them. We want them to be athletic, we want
them to be artistic, we want them to develop
good work ethics, we want them to learn the
value of money, we want them to learn team
work, etc. In short, we want them to be well-rounded
happy. That explains, of course, why we say
yes to our children for extra-curricular
programs and activities.
A study by Child Trends, a non-partisan research
group in Washing-ton, found that about 82
percent of American children had participated
in at least one extracurricular activity
in 1999.
But somehow something is lost in the process.
We became slaves to the schedule and the
self- (or child-) imposed responsibilities.
We drive hundreds of miles every week to
take our children to events, a condition
exasperated by suburban sprawl. (I remember
the days I used to take a bus to violin lessons
and to soccer games with my brother.)
The only time we get to have quality interaction
is in the car on the way to an event. The
sit-down family dinner is rare, still rarer
is the leisurely sit-down family dinner with
pleasant chatters.
The role of the parents slowly descends into
that of the chauffeur and the treasurer (to
pay). The children leads more and more
independent lives, to the point that we lost
tracks. What is alarming is school and academic
achievement get lost in the shuffle. Kids
remember their baseball team scores better
than their achievement test scores. They
have to ‘squeeze’ studying in between events.
Hence the difficulty of scheduling appointments
without checking with the children.
Some parents may cringe at the notion of
pricey electronics' becoming more popular
than Play-Doh. But LeapFrog, which sells
LeapPad at $50.00 and the LeapPad Pro (for
children ages 7 and 8) at $64.99 a pop, is
jumping high. Supported by its parent company,
Knowledge Universe, LeapFrog spends lavishly
on television commercials (paid for in part
by your $50 purchase).
Like Hook-on-Phonics, toys now have great
appeal to parents if they can be linked,
however remotely, to the E word -- Educational.
It is true that many of the educational toys
like LeapPad, the Piccolo Touch and Talk
Interactive Discovery Center can do two things:
provide both a visual and an auditory stimuli.
So if a child sees and touches the picture
of a truck, and he can also hear the word
"truck". . They are thus multi-sensory.
The assumption is that by seeing, touching
and hearing a word simultaneously, children
will get a head-start in learning to read.
On a superficial level, this multi-sensory
approach to learn seems to make sense. But
learning theories say otherwise. The extra
senses that are supposed to aid learning
might actually distract. Think about learning
to read music with little frogs attached
to the notes. The frog’s hopping up and down
is supposed to help a child remember how
far the notes go up and down. Yet the child
may be so fascinated (distracted) by the
cute frogs that he does not focus on the
real cues for this learning - the five lines
of the staff. What I am saying is - multi-sensory
learning might distract rather than focus.
No wonder a NY Times article on educational
toys concluded, "while the word "educational"
may be splashed across their packaging, no
broad studies have been done to assess whether
these toys actually teach anything, something
even the manufacturers acknowledge."
With the advent of technology and e-commerce,
many families now view getting on the ’Net’
as part of daily life. And much more information
is now presented through the Internet. That
includes information about children’s health
care, and effects and side effects of children’s
America, while being the richest nation on
earth, also has the dubious distinction of
having half of their adults reading only
at 8th grade level. For this unfortunate
half, read-ing and understanding the written
information presented on various website
is a haphazard, often amounting to a guessing
In a study published in the Archives of Pediatrics
and Adolescent Medicine, researchers from
Iowa University found that most Websites
containing health information for children
are written near the 12th grade level. And
this spells trouble for the barely literate
person. He either finds the information incomprehensible,
or worse, misunderstands it and forms erroneous
The need for literacy has never been more
acute as more and more written information
is conveyed to people’s home through the
Internet. We can download complicated written
materials that used to be available only
to professionals, like law codes and statutes,
financial and stock analyses, even manuals
on making bombs, and of course literature
on health and diseases.
One researcher of the study suggested that
health Websites be rewritten at lower-grade
levels. But the complex nature of the subject
matters like diagnoses and prognoses, or
law cases, cannot be fully described at 8th
grade language. Rather than diluting the
information and adulterating the subject
matter, we should raise reading comprehension
level of our citizens.
Common sense often loses out in the face
of systematic research. Witness the whole
language approach, or the no chemical, no
food additive diets. Here comes the latest.
Contrary to popular belief and opinions of
many progressive educators, violent video
games appear to have not even a correlation
with, less be a cause for, increased teen
violence. According to the New York Times,
juvenile homicides, the most violent crime
category, had been increasing until 1993,
when violent games Mortal Kombat and Dome
(the one favored by the Columbine teenage
murders) made their debut. Since then, teen
violence crimes have actually decreased!
"Juvenile murder charges dropped by
about two-thirds from 1993 to the end of
the decade and show no signs of going back
up. The rate of violence in schools hasn’t
increased, either -- it just gets more media
coverage.", asserts Lawrence Sherman,
a criminologist at the University of Pennsylvania,
in a New York Times Magazine article.
Violent games or stories, seem to lie mainly
in the domain of male interests and fantasies.
Thus, despite all the liberal efforts to
equalize activities and opportunities between
the sexes, boys are still boys and girls
are still girls. Surveys show few girls get
interested in Mortal Kombat, and few boys
in Barbie.
Indeed, playing or reading or seeing violent
media seem to be a fantasy and release valve
for males, not unlike car racing or bungee
jumping. Henry Jenkins, Director of Media
Studies at MIT, goes so far as to argue that
these games are the modern day answers to
the old fantasies of Treasure Island, Huck
Finn that used to be loved by boys.
Actual violent acts are probably controlled
more by an individual’s own socioeconomic
environment and life history than vicarious
modeling of violent games or stories.
- Nearly 6 million American children receive
special education instruction and services
at a cost of
almost $40 billion? And about $5.7 billion
of which is federal money?
- According to the New York Times, home schooling
is gaining more favor of traditional families.
The reasons - parents worry that their kids
are not getting enough individual attention
in school or are excelling faster than their
- About 10% of college freshmen want to become
teachers in 1998. This is almost double the
percentage in 1982. At the same time, the
number of college degrees granted in education
increased by 31% from 1986 to 1996. Although
the percentage is higher, the real total
is still dismal. Princeton saw a 500% increase
in students enrolled in its teacher preparation
program since 1990; in real number terms,
it went from 5 to 25 students.
- According to the Center for Media Education,
a nonprofit group in Washington, an average
child "will witness more than 100,000
acts of violence on TV, including 8,000 murders"
by the time he completes elementary school.
The numbers double by the end of high school.
- The Center for Media Education says by
the age of 21 the average viewer sees a million
commercials, including 100,000 ads for alcohol?
"Children see at least an hour of commercials
for every five hours of programs they watch
on commercial TV," it noted, adding
that most children under 6 don't even know
they're being sold something when they watch
- The Los Angeles Times asserts that “math
is the biggest barrier to student achievement”?
The lack of math skills surface most acutely
in students enrolled in community colleges.
About 47% fail their math classes. Only 4%
achieve college level math on placement testing,
the gateway to eventual transfer to university
science and medicine programs.
- The American Management Association said
a survey of 1,000 U.S. personnel executives
shows that more than a third of the nation's
job seekers lack the basic math and reading
skills needed to do their jobs, up from 19
percent three years ago.
But at the same time, many special education
programs are sub- standard? And parents often
have to sue to improve the service?
- Patients often do not follow what the doctors
ordered? And even with reminders, many still
Researchers from Ohio State University found
that patients who received reminders encourag-ing
them to take cholesterol-fighting prescriptions
did so at about the same rate as others who
were not reminded. In both cases, one in
five reported not following the doctor's
- According to the LA Times, most preparation
programs for elemen-tary teachers only require
two basic math classes?.
An alternative route is to take a test that
has 24 mostly arithmetic ques-tions and for
which teachers can use a calculator?
(Thus the saying goes: "You can’t teach
what you don’t know.")
- Prescription drug sale skyrocketed from
42.7 billion in 1991 to 111.3 billion dollars
in 1999?
- In 1994, only 5% of households were wired
with the internet and this year, half of
households are online, but on the other hand,
TV watching also averages seven hours and
11 minutes a day, 32 minutes more than in
1992? (NY Times, 11/3/00)
- After Florida Governor Jeb Bush (brother
of George W.) abolished race-based admissions
(Affirma- tive Action) to that State’s colleges
last year, minority en- rollment actually
increased 12 percent?
- If functional illiteracy is defined as
an adult who cannot fill out an application
form, read food labels, or a simple story
to a child, then a third of Los Angeles County’s
adults are functional illiterates?
- Children are getting fatter in all ages
and in all income groups? Up until 1980,
‘only’ 6.5% of children age 6-11 were overweight,
but by 1994, the figure jumped to 11.4%,
meaning more than one in ten children was
overweight, according to the National Center
for Health Statistics.
The intent of special education cannot be
faulted. Some children, for a variety of
reasons, don’t learn under the regular curriculum
or environment.
There are, however, reasons why children
might not be best served by special education
programs. One is society’s tendency to over-diagnose.
Each year new diagnostic labels are created
by the Diagnostic and Statis- tical Manual
of Mental Disorders (DSM) and in just 25
years, the number of labels doubled. That
means extravagant gambling or shopping can
now become a mental disorder. Previously
rambunctious or forgetful children can now
be ADD.
Indeed, the number of students receiving
special services have tripled in ten years.
Many children end up there because the move
often creates a relief for the regular classroom
teacher extra Federal funding for each special
ed student with a diagnosis.
Another concern lies in the com- mon sense
but risky perception that ‘special’means
‘quality’ or ‘effec- tive’. In reality, the
teaching pro- cedure or materials used in
special programs are often no more effec-
tive than regular teaching. The ma- jor difference
is quantity -- special ed. students get more
individual attention, but also less classwork,
homework and academic subjects.
Perhaps most devastating is the low expectation
to learn once a student is in a 'special’
program. I have witnessed many a case in
which a child capable of learning much more
is held back after years of special education
services. The student after a while developed
a dependence on learning only with individual
help, and excuse himself for not learning
because of his ‘special’ status.
It is in large part due to these con- cern
that the Individuals with Disa- bilities
Education Act (IDEA) man- dates the requirement
of educating ‘disabled students’ in the least
restrictive (read most normal) envi- ronment
(LRE) possible. The mandate requires the
justification of why a student needs special
educa- tion, and once in, why he/she needs
to continue to receive it.
A good case in point is the whole- sale mainstreaming
of Hispanic ESL, LED (Limited English Pro-
ficiency) students from special bi- lingual
programs to regular class- rooms in California
because voters abolished all bilingual classes
two years ago.
By law, while one school district can scrape
the program altogether and put all ESL students
into regu- lar classes, a sort of sink-or-swim
process that could cause many liberal educators
to crinch, another district can choose to
give parents a waiver so that their child
can continue in the special program.
This was exactly what happened to two districts
located next to each other with very similar
student populations and demographics. The
Oceanside District abolished the special
programs while neighboring Vista kept the
status quo. The students achievements in
these two districts thus provide interesting
And guess what? Oceanside’s mainstreamed
ESL students im- proved much faster in English
and also in math than Vista’s, accord- ing
to a report by the normally liberal New York
Times. Their second graders’ reading jumped
from 13th to 32nd percentileand math from
27th to 41st percentile in standardized testing.
“In nearly every grade, the increases in
Oceanside were at least double those in Vista,
which is similar in size and economic background
to Oceanside,” the article reports. “Only
in the 10th and 11th grades, in a reflection
of the entrenched language
problems of teenage Spanish speakers statewide,
were the increases below four percentage
points.” - reflecting on the detrimental
effects of prolonged confinement in the special
Thus, here is a case where thou- sands of
students benefited from the abolition of
a special program. So as the taxpayers!
To Be Rewarded
California will reward the staff of several
thousand schools that have improved student
scores on standarddized tests. The teachers
and ad- ministrators in these schools will
each receive a bonus of about $800. In December,
it will reward about 200 improving schools
with even more dollars - from $5,000 to $25,000
per teacher and administrator. So giving
reward for a job well done, an idea that
not too long ago was unthinkable for public
educa- tion, has finally arrived. The trend
is inevitable. The idea is in line with the
principle of reinforcement, which has been
successfully appli- ed to children, businesses,
and industires.
As the American Psychiatric Asso- ciation
has recently ordained new entries into the
diagnostic bible, the DSM IV, many previously
undesir- able social behaviors are now ‘pathologized’.
These include Compulsive Shopper, Pathological
Gambling, Social Phobia, and Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder.
The tendency towards clinical diagnosis is
partly responsible for the soaring number
of ADD/ADHD children.
I have always doubted a smaller class size
in itself can improve student learning, as
it is well known that countries which beat
us on student achievement have much larger
class sizes than ours.
After spending literally billions of dollars
to cut class sizes from K-3 and pinning much
hope for it, California has seen only marginal
learning improvement but severe shortage
of teachers, according to a comparison study
conducted for the years1996 to 1998 by the
Rand Corp., the American Institutes for Research
and three other research organizations.
Specifically, 34% of 3rd graders in small
classes of usually 20 scored above the national
average in reading on last year's Stanford
9 exam, but 32% of large classes also did
so last year. Thus the difference is merely
2%. Similarly, 36% of third-graders in reduced
classes exceeded the national average in
language arts, while 33% in larger classes
did so. In math, 38% of the former exceeded
the average, compared to 35% in larger classes.
For these two-to-three percentage points
differences, the price tag was more than
$4 billion!
It is interesting to note that the quantity
and quality of instruction in smaller classes
did not differ significantly from those in
larger classes. The amount of individual
attention did not increase much in small
classes, and the curriculum content has not
changed as well.
I have long maintained that classroom learning
depends more on the curriculum content, the
amount of classwork and homework, the length
of academic classes, and last but not least,
the social and familial emphasis of education
and respect for the teacher. These factors
characterize the education system in many
Asian and European countries which have much
larger classes than our large classes, but
whose students consistently beat ours in
academic comparisons. Take respect for teachers
as an example, parents in these countries
tend to fault their child when he/she did
poorly on a test. The child might be scolded
or reprimanded for not studying or listening
to the teacher enough. But here, more often
than not, the ‘blame’ is on the teacher.
Also, students in these countries receive
much more assistance and monitoring after
school on homework and exam preparation from
their family or by private tutors.
Still, the idea of a small class lending
more individual attention and easier classroom
management, which in turn produces better
learning, makes logical sense. One could
look to the small-class experiment in Tennessee
for support. It claims to have produced impressive
gains for their primary-grade students.
It is possible that the meager improvement
in California is the result of the initial
restructuring shocks - suddenly, many more
classrooms and teachers were needed as large
classes were split up. In some schools, libraries
or computer rooms double as classrooms. Also,
teachers for elementary grades are now in
hot demands. The last two years saw 23,500
new teachers, many of whom are rookies not
experienced enough to manage student behaviors
and group teaching.
Having spent $4 billion, the Governor and
State officials consider the reform worth
continuing and are prepared to stay on course.
The State is prepared to spend another $700
million for construction and renovation for
smaller class sizes.
I just wish this were not such an expensive
experiment. In case the positive results
aren't forthcoming, there could be more voter
It is heartening to see that a resolution
recently passed by the Colorado Board of
Education specifically “discourages teachers
from recommending behavioral drugs like Ritalin
and Luvox.” It urges teachers and other school
personnel to “use discipline and instruction
to overcome problem behavior in the classroom,
rather than to encourage parents to put their
children on drugs that are commonly prescribed
for attention deficit and hyperactive disorders.”
This new sense of urgency came in part after
the Columbine High School massacre, where
one of the two student assailants was on
Luvox, an anti-depressant. The other part
came from the concern that some teachers
and mental health professionals pressure
parents to put their child on medication
as a precondition to returning to class.
We quote Dr. Peter Breggin, director of the
International Center for the Study of Psychiatry
and Psychology, a nonprofit research organization
in Bethesda, Md., “It's a tremendous mistake
to subdue the behavior of children instead
of tending to their needs. We're drugging
them into submission rather than identifying
and meeting the genuine needs of the family,
the school and the community. It's wrong
in principle."
In the mean time, more than 2.5 million children
in the United States are using behavioral
drugs, many without much careful evaluation
and consideration of alternatives, such as
life style, interests, energy level, learning
disabilities, academic achievement levels,
and the appropriateness of the school structure
and curriculum.
According to the National Institutes of Health,
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a "profound
problem" that might affect as many as
5 percent of American school children. However,
accurate diagnosis and effective treatment
of ADD remain ‘elusive’, according to the
Institute. The chairman of the panel in charge
of examining the situation, Dr. David J.
Kupfer, declares, "There is no current
validated diagnostic test." Another
member on the panel, Dr. Mark Vonnegut, says
flatly, "The diagnosis is a mess!"
As for drug treatment like Ritalin, the long-term
(taking the drug for at least 14 months)
effects have never been examined, according
to Dr. Kupfer.
Indeed, accurate and consistent diagnosis
and treatment is problematic in dealing with
many mental/learning afflictions such as
dyslexia, learning disabilities (LD), emotional
handicaps, and now ADD and ADHD. The reasons
are several. First, unlike medical diagnoses,
where the cause and locations of the symptoms
can be seen and/or measured (e.g., an infection),
the cause of a learning disability is not.
Thus, we don’t know exactly which part of
the brain is defective and responsible for
the hyperactivity or emotional out-bursts.
Second, the symptom at issue is not exclusive
but is rather on a continuum, meaning that
normal people can at times be very active
or have emotional outbursts. Thus, how active
or how emotional before it is called ‘hyper’
or a ‘handicap’ is subject to personal interpretation.
Following the same vein, how inattentive
a person must be before it is called a ‘deficit’
and then becoming a ‘disorder’ depends on
which expert you see. Even the difference
between ADD and ADHD is imprecise. The panel
of experts in fact treat the two interchangeably.
When Dr. Vonnegut says that ADD kids “stick
out like a sore thumb’, he is not talking
about the quiet, dreamy type, but in fact
includes hyperactivity as part of the diagnosis.
There is no doubt that lack of attention
causes serious problems in learning and in
executing daily activities. We are just beginning
to realize how wide-spread and detrimental
it could be. Numerous kids have problems
following the ‘flow’ of the classroom, and
unless talked to by the teacher in close
range, they do not ‘take in’ what is said.
Others forget assignments or test dates,
or lose finished assignments on the way to
school. But Some adults could ostensibly
overlook something that was encountered minutes
before. Still some others could ‘freeze’
on an activity in mid-course and get into
a daze. Still others are so ‘hyper’ that
their hands have to constantly doodle or
play with things.
Under the current mess of diagnosis and treatment,
the best tactic is to evaluate each presented
problem thoroughly, logically and most importantly,
without pre-conceived notions of diagnostic
classification. One must recognize that there
are no standard treatments for standard diagnoses.
Instead, the treatment must be personalized
and tailored to the learning style, intellectual
functioning, and personality of the afflicted
Biofeedback and medication have at times
been known to create general, non-specific
improvement for some people by ‘tuning up’
or ‘toning down’ the brain. But in the long
run, the ADD/ADHD person, the LD person,
or the simply disorganized person would still
need to be taught the right kinds of skills
and use them consistently in order to achieve
the desired goal.
Hence, treatments that emphasize the acquisition
of learning strategies and pragmatic skills
achieve the best results - such as training
in behavioral focusing, study habit, study
skills, time management, information processing,
organization, and listening/ focusing skills.
Often times systematic tutoring gets immediate
results also.
An article published by UCLA Healthcare illustrates
the confusion of the terms. The article’s
title is “New Data on Hyperactivity”, but
the content refers exclusively to ADHD children,
thus treating hyperactivity and ADHD as synonymous
terms. And as I have always contended, the
first alarm signal for many parents to seek
professional guidance comes from their ADHD
child’s poor grades and behaviors at school.
Indeed, the article describes ADHD children
as “unable to sit still and pay attention
in class; many of these children are aggressive
with others and defiant with adults. As a
result, they often suffer from significant
academic and social difficulties.” I can
already see protests from some parents and
professionals on the use of the adjectives
“aggressive” and “defiant” on their ADHD
child. But “academic and social difficulties”
are pretty much universal to children diagnosed
as ADHD or ADD.
If we follow this reasoning, then any treatment
effectiveness should be measured by improved
academic and social performance. In other
words, how can we tell a treatment is working?
- Ultimately by the child getting better
grades, doing tasks independently and well,
following teacher instructions and interacting
appropriately with peers and family. The
UCLA article describes a treatment using
Ritalin under “structured medical management
with frequent follow-up is the most effective
(treatment) for the symptoms of ADHD: hyperactivity,
impulsivity and inattention.”
As to the initial and perhaps more important
symptoms of poor grades and interactions,
it cited Dr. James McGough, UCLA child and
adolescent psychiatrist, “Still, if a child
has a learning disability, or if he or she
is performing below expected potential or
has difficulty making friends, special tutors
or psychological counseling can help.”
Thus, the article carefully makes it clear
that Ritalin deals with the hyperactive,
impulsive and inattentive behaviors but not
learning, study habits and social adjustment.
For these deficits, therapy using a skill-building
approach is the key - from the training of
study skills, study habits, motivation, time-management,
to academic knowledge of reading, writing
and math. The underlying assumption we adopt
is that many of the symptoms of ADHD - the
inattention, the dreaming in class (not at
home), the forgetfulness, the defiance -
are related to special learning disabilities,
or lack of skills and motivation. As these
elements are successfully treated, the ADHD
symptoms often disappear and school performance
The article also reports that ADHD has become
the most commonly diagnosed behavior disorders,
comprising 3 to 5 percent of school-aged
children in the U.S.