EQ, IQ, and The Other 3 R’s

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We often think IQ pulls the school grades, when many educators are beginning to doubt the relationship between the two. A high IQ does not always predict high achievement, same as the reverse (except for the very low scores for the developmentally disabled). What in fact affects school grades and achievement more is the EQ (Emotional Quotient, or Emotional IQ). When a student has problems controlling his impulse, focusing on an intellectual task, or getting along with his classmates or teachers, it would be hard for him to learn, retain and study for the materials. When he is easily distracted by peers, it would be hard for him to focus in class or in tests. When he has little foresight in planning and keeping up with assignments, he can’t do well. When he is oppositional to adult authority, teaching him becomes a challenge. When a child frustrates easily, staying on task or cooperating in group projects becomes difficult for him. What is obvious is EQ is affected by impulsivity, ADD, ADHD, noncompliance, low frustration tolerance, which in turn affects academic achievement.

An essay from GreatSchools http://www.greatschools.org/parenting/teaching-values/slideshows/boost-eq-elementary-intro.gs?content=2701 succinctly sums up the relationship between EQ and achievement. Responsibility, Respect, and Resilience are the emotional 3 R’s for learning.

How does one improve the EQ 3R's? Answer: behavioral training. It is through systematic modification of frustration tolerance, compliance to adults, focusing, stamina, ability to follow through and complete assignments, and the ability to attend and adjust to various social environments that one's EQ may improve. Improving on these elements contributes to good study habit, effective study skills, better time management and organization, and proper motivation, which eventually lead to good grades at school. The increased EQ might even play a part in better IQ scores.