Training autistic children vs training concert violinists
As a behavioral psychologist, I have been
working with autistic children for more than
40 years, and as a former professional violinist,
I have been working with my 12-year-old son
on the violin since he was 3. The skills
to be trained for autistic children are simple
by comparison with normal development – how
to brush teeth properly, pronounce and use
simple functional words or sentences, greet
people, get around in the community, etc.
whereas the skills in learning to be a concert
violinist, again by comparison with normal
development like learning math or swimming,
are exceedingly complex – developing a sharp
ear for intonation, great sense of rhythm,
left/right hand coordination, and of course
musical expressions of feelings and tone
It is fair to say that training autism and
training concert violinists lie on opposite
ends of the skill spectrum. Over the years,
many autistic children learned those basic
skills, and my son has become an accomplished
violinist, winning prizes in competitions.
A recent performance attests to his accomplishments.
But progress in either autistic children
or my son has come with great trails and
tribulations – planning, analyses, restructuring
of the environment, vigilance, training consistency,
daily prompting, physical stamina, and last
but not least, contingent reward for good
progress and learning. What makes both kinds
of training ultimately taxing is that the
internal motivation to learn and to retain
the skills is not sufficient to maintain
and expand the learning. I, or my staff in
the case of autism, have to actively be involved
in the learning, and as soon as such involvement
is withdrawn, even for a brief period, regress
occurs. For my autistic clients, learning
to speak, to communicate, to be hygienic,
or to become productive is hard work, and
regrettably simply not interesting enough
to warrant the hard drills and practice.
For my son, although he has developed an
‘interest’ in playing the violin and listening
to violin music, the motivation to practice
scales or drill on a passage, inherently
boring tasks, in order to produce beautiful
music is not strong enough. But under my
careful nurturing, consistent tutoring, feedback
and rewards, he has done very well and is
proud of his achievement. Learning to really
play the violin well is as much of a hassle
to my son as an autistic child learning to
communicate (other than about basic needs).
I would define a child prodigy as one who
not just has the facility to learn the task,
but also the passion for the task. Many children
indeed have the facility but not the passion.
With passion, it is much easier to train
and it requires much less support and involvement
of the trainer, as the child is ‘naturally’
awed by the task at hand and will without
prompting generate the necessary stamina
to practice to produce the results.
I believe a sustained passion towards a specific
thing or activity is inborn and is difficult
to cultivate. A person with such a passion
naturally will devote large trunk of time
and effort to excel on it. The Fields Medal
(equivalent to a Nobel in math) winner, Lars
Ahlfors, dubbed ‘the boy who loved homework’,
declared ” I hated sports. I also hated vacations
and Sundays, for I had nothing to do on those
days.”¹ Working on mathematical principles
was his passion and source of pleasures.
In a similar vein, the desire to learn to
speak, to socialize or to be interested in
one’s own environment is inborn for most
children. We don’t have to actively train
and reinforce for them to acquire language
or social skills. Also along the same idea,
my son never needs training or coaxing to
play video games. If allowed, it will be
day and night. It came ‘naturally’.
But can one train a passion or develop a
consistent crave to engage in an activity
(I don’t mean eating ice cream.)? The answer
seems to be No again. I have, with my staff,
attempted numerous ways to train autistic
or Asperger people to be interested in other
people or in their surroundings, and the
results were dismal. We can teach them various
social skills through intensive and systematic
training, but we always need to be there
to reinforce and encourage. The minute we
let go, they let go with the skills and the
desire to learn. Similarly, after nine years
of intensive almost daily coaching and tutoring,
and having mastered very sophisticated violin
playing, my son still needs my prompting,
feedback and reward to continue the progress
on this very difficult instrument.
My inkling so far is that it is possible
to teach a person complex (defined by their
initial functioning level) skills using contingent
reward/praise/encouragement, refined task
analyses and behavioral techniques. But to
foster real, sustained passion is tough.
After nine years of violin training for my
son, I am still waiting for that to happen
in him…
¹Albers, D. and Alexanderson, G. Fascinating
Mathematical People” Interviews and Memoirs.